I am taking my cue from Autumn this year. Autumn let's the winds swirl at their leisure. She doesn't hasten the changing of the colors of the leaves. Autumn never pulls the leaves from the trees in uniform formation. The leaves swirl with the wind, and detach themselves from the trees in a rhythm known only to themselves. The winds may blow up a storm, but Autumn sits patiently. She has her allotted time to perform the task at hand. So she sits, and watches the changing of the colors, the beauty of the moment, and doesn't interfere much. Autumn is free to enjoy the labor of the harvesters. Autumn provides beautiful settings and lovely full moons. She silently judges the costumes, as trick or treaters make their way from house to house walking briskly in the chill of early evening. She casts a long shadow for a short time. Autumn is thankful and has a holiday to prove that she is. Even when thunder rolls and lightning strikes the darkened skies, Autumn smiles and settles in for the show. She knows this storm too will pass, and the air will be clean, and the earth will send a fragrance only Autumn can provide. I hope you will take a moment to enjoy the earth the way our Autumn does.
Here are some cup and saucer sets from (my favorite English china company) Hammersley. So dainty in person, light and lovely. Such a beautiful ring when tapped lightly! They are in Miss Violet's Tea Cupboard on Cottage Violet's if you're interested.
I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places,
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.... Psalm 24:1