I seem to have been missing in action for several months. Life has been happening all around me with great rapidity while I jumped off the merry-go-round in favor of facebook games. I came to my senses tonight, and determined to apologize and start visiting my lovely blog friends again. I have no excuse, I literally threw the disconnect switch on life. I have been greatly troubled by our countries current direction. Enough is enough. One can not live without the touch of others, and I would much rather read your blogs than the news. Miss Violet Teacake and all the ladies at Cottage Violet's are happy to hear my voice again. They are happy to see my smiling face and feel my loving touch.
To you dear friends I say, Please forgive! I will endeavor to pick up the mantle and go forward, happily, singing on the way. There is so much to discuss. There is beauty all around, and we have a commitment to make it known to the world.
Here's a little excerpt from a well know tune to help us go singing on our way.
Happy days are here again,
The skies above are clear again,
So let's sing a song of cheer again,
Happy days are here again!
(J. Yellen and M. Ager)
Most amazingly fond wishes,
Theresa @ Cottage Violets