The old Frank Sinatra standard goes like this,
"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places,
That this heart of mine embraces,
All day through",
In that small cafe, the park across the way,
The children's carousel, the chestnut tree,
The wishing well."
Lyrics by Sammy Fain and Irving Kahal
I was thinking about all the "old familiar places" we visit in this remarkable kingdom called the internet. I was led kicking and screaming to Facebook, and now I seldom miss a day of catching up with old new friends. I visit several on-line stores, and keep up with several amazing blogs. I am always in awe of the talent, and creativity I find in the souls of my friends. I find pure delight in the way they express their art through so many varied mediums.
I had been missing one particular artist for a long while. I only know her as "The Muse", but she has the gift of bringing out the "child's play" in all who venture into her domain. She has word games and amusing challenges on one blog, and varied works of prose on another. She lives in the shadow of her name, and for reasons known only to herself prefers a certain measure of anonymity. Well, Miss Muse (as I prefer to call her) is back! Hurrah! I am having a lovely time feeding bits of silly rhyme (in my preferred style: the quatrain) to her comments section. I hope you will take the time to visit her blog: A Diva's Hammer, Wielded by the Muse. Remember to bring along your inner child, all ready for an interesting excursion into the mind of the Muse.
I must add a warning: Child's play is addictive, and can lead to copious amounts of creativity and freedom from care. So, enter at your own risk!
Happy Late New Year and May It Be Everything You Want A Grand Year To Be!!!
And please stop by Cottage Violets and have a look around!
Blessings, Theresa
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
You have touched my heart and soul...
Far beyond these words foretold...
In regions vast and far away...
Your kind friendship will forever stay.
You have become such a cornerstone for me in "blogland".... a mere thank you, hardly suffices :)
I love your creative play Theresa...it is so good to find people who are young at heart, which reminds me of this Sinatra song LOL :
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you’re young at heart
For it’s hard, you will find, to be narrow of
If you’re young at heart
You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the
And life gets more exciting with each passing
And love is either in your heart or on it’s way
Don’t you know that it’s worth every treasure on
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are it’s much better by far
To be young at heart
And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you’ll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part
You have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart
lyrics by S.Leigh and J.Richards
Yep, I saw you other there...not once, not twice but three times shortly before I got there. I just love Muse! And so glad she's back. My rhymes could never be as clever as yours. :) I have missed you too Ms. Theresa. Where have you been? xo
Loved your addition to Muse's wonderful word game .......
... and OH, your wish for me is one of the nicest ever!
Hey sweetness! I want to ask may I link to this post? :)
I want to add your "Button" .
This would go on the Muse blog of A Divas Hammer under the reviews page :)
If you would rather not. That's fine. Nothing will have changed...you are always welcome with OPEN arms (and books..) LOL :)
Hi there sweetness,
sending you an email for a Grab It Code for your blog button :)
Dear Theresa,
You are so right about the addictive part ... I find myself returning and returning to read what others have created. Have a special weekend.
Thank you for leaving your Friend Description Word :)
Seeing you about my little cottage...brings cheer to a Muse's heart! May your day be wonderful, ms Teresa :)
We are having fun, aren't we?
Oh the joy...
and the best part...
blogland friends :)
Theresa, you move us with your writes. Love the song, too ...
Please check your settings to follow me on new blog,
Have a wonderful week.
TTFN ~ Marydon
those sisters are getting pretty gossipy lol...mmm i wonder who is the real tattletale (wink)
love having you visit!
Seems you and I had colds at the very same time .. I'm 90% better now and hope you are too.
waving hello! :)
Ms. Theresa ... I always enter the Muse's site with great childlike abandon! You and I were entering a comment at almost the same time and it's a miracle mine 'sort of' went with yours!!! How fun.
Hope to see you at www.myladydujour.com I have some art of mine there on todays post
at www.adivashammer.com I have some lovely flowers with poetry.
You watching the big game today Ms Theresa? if so, I hope you have fun!
if not...I still hope you have fun of course...LOL :)
pssst.... shhhh...
the word in blogland
C Evil, B Hasty
are looking for you...
Loved it!
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