Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
I think we all know the Bobby McFerrin song: Don't Worry Be Happy. Now, I am one happy girl. Andie of Brown Bee Designs, a little stitcher girl extraordinaire, was stitchin' and I hopped right on over and won the object of my affection: A Spring Pinkeep....woohoo, and here it is, nestled in among my other luscious pin keeps.
And here it is again.
I usually don't choose bright colors for projects. I don't know if I was born bland or just kind of kept leaning that way until I fell for pastel. However, these times call for a little pop of color (trite decorator phrase, lol). That being said, here are some tags I created that exhibit more of a Boho feel. So, look at these tags and "Don't Worry, Be Hoppy!!!"
Celebrate Moments and Share Memories
Enjoy Fun And Family
Stay Enthusiastic and Just Dance
A scripture is running through my head today. "For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day." So, if I believe and am persuaded, what does that leave for me to do today. Don't Worry, Be Happy!!! I hope you will do the same.
Kind Regards, Theresa
Thanks again Terri, for being such a wonderful customer and friend! I'm so glad the work of my hands delights you so. The tulips are beatuemous...they always make me think of that Bobby McFerrin song! lol xoxo AndieBee
I think your new tags are a hoppy bunch. I like them...a LOT! :) Andie's keeps are so sweet.
Love your beautiful treasures!! Now that song is going to be in my head all day!!
Have a Blessed Easter.
Aunt May's Cottage
I thoroughly enjoy your blog postings. May you & your family be blessed & have a beautiful blessed Easter. Thank you for being a blog partner ... TTFN (Thank Thy Father Now) ~ Marydon
I love your pin keeps .. AndieBee does beautiful work I agree.
LOVE your "new" look.
Hi Dear one! I think your updated blog is beautiful! I love the changes it is like sitting down for a cup of special tea with an old friend... Hey wait that is us! Thanks for the sweet comment on my lateset! You are such a great support! I look forward to your latest entry of Gabby Bunny Tales! Blessings to you-Heather
Oh were not born bland! your spirit and heart are as bright and lively as can be!
Good morning Theresa...
Ahhhhh.........thanks for all your sweet comments.
Well, it just goes to show 'ya, I'm back in the dark ages in the pinkeep arena. It looks like I've been missing lots of fun. Are they crosstitched? What's inside? For straight pins? They're awfully darn cute!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hi there Theresa!
I just had to stop by and say hello. I haven't forgotten you. How are you? Hope you are doing well. Love your blog and all that you create. Can you believe we are almost at the end of April already? Time sure does fly. Anyway hope your day is happy! Talk to you soon.
Janets Creative Pillows
Come join my Mother's Day contest, tell your friends about it.
TTFN ~ Marydon
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