I finally pried open the pocketbook and updated my blog look. I am pleased as punch, and tickled pink. If I were young this picture would be of me, as I gazed upon my new banner. Not only am I celebrating a new look (for the blog, lol), I am celebrating my 36th wedding anniversary. Of course, I was a child bride (not). Let's see, I bought two new blog looks, another shop on Shabbylane Shops (Miss Violet's on the Garden Court), a spot on Friday Flea Markets (also Miss Violet's), and had steak for dinner. Now, that is living large. You know the old bible verse, Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow...... I decided if God can't take care of me, (and I am sure He can), I might as well go down having the time of my life with the best people on earth (that is you). I don't mean to be flippant, but I suspect if we were not told by the news media every five minutes that we were going to self destruct shortly, we would carry on as usual, our feet firmly planted on fallow ground. I was over at Magnolia Pearl's blog and read if I may quote from Robin, Miss Magnolia Pearl herself:
"When I sit on my porch sipping hot tea, I listen to the birds singing as they know nothing of the economy and the sorrows of the world; or do they? I think they know that God is optimistic if he made the sun shine yet another day. I'll take my cue from the birds and sing as long as the sun continues to rise and shine."
"When I sit on my porch sipping hot tea, I listen to the birds singing as they know nothing of the economy and the sorrows of the world; or do they? I think they know that God is optimistic if he made the sun shine yet another day. I'll take my cue from the birds and sing as long as the sun continues to rise and shine."
Right then and there I decided to be optimistic and happy for each day God gives me and America. I hope you are happy and blessed, too. Heck, you can only fail if you never try again. So, stop and smell the roses and then get back to work, cuz our Lord has big purpose for that life of yours.
Oh. and a big shout out to Debbi of Marionberry Cottage for the great blog designs on both Cottage Violets and Miss Violets. Here is her banner. Click on over and see her lovely shop
Smoochies and blessins,
Well done Theresa for the courage to open the new shops, here's wishing you lots of sales.
Hello Theresa~ I so much enjoy reading your blog!! You are such a talented writer. I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a wonderful message. You made my day and I will cherish your words! I am nearly done with my painting and I hope by the end of the week to post a new photo. Many hugs and blessings to you my friend! ~Nichole
Theresa, your blog is beautemous! I love the new look, and that you've taken the leap into opening new shops. I also want to thank you for being such a sweet friend! xoxo AndieBee
Oh my goodness, that baby is ever so so sweet!! :) And I love your blog makeover. Violets are one of my favorite rites of spring and they are popping up in my gardens as we speak. Your blog is truly "the prettiest on the block". xo Lynn
Oh yes! Your blog is lovely......just perfect....fresh and yummy!
Dearest Theresa,
AMEN, AMEN AND AMEN!!! I believe the same thing, listening to Dave Ramsey every night is so uplifting to my husband and I, if you get him on the Fox Business Channel tune in! Congrats on your anniversary, not many people can say they have been married that long, we have 26 yrs. so far.
Blessings and Happy Spring,
Donna Lynn
ADORABLE! (baby / blog ~redo)!!
I add super congrats to you for your growth into the new frontier!
I am eager to see you on this new path!
Theresa, I love your new look and congratulations on your anniversary, we will celebrate our 37th this year. Optimism is contagious, thank you!
Ms. Theresa, you are a breath of fresh air! I am so glad to know you. Thank you for the kind comments on my site and for entering my first blog giveaway. I love your new blog design, (I am a secret lover of purple - don't tell anyone.) I wish you great success on your new ventures and I will check them out very shortly. Thank you so much for your lovely words of encouragement for all of us. God is so good! Hugs.
Hi theresa
I have stumbled upon your blog for the first time today, so i don't know what it looked like before, but it is absolutely fantastic now. And teh baby is impossibly cute!
Hey Theresa! Thanks for visitng. When is the Iris Festival? LOL I would love to meet up with you. I won't be selling there, but I might attend. Love you new look, going to check out Miss Violet too. Becs
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