But that's not the heartwarming part, even though my pocketbook, being sadly neglected, was warmed. Then, I received an email from the man (yes, I said man) who bought it. "How soon can you get it to me?", says he. "Priority mail is taking about two days, is that soon enough?", says I. Here's the heartwarming part (handkerchiefs at the ready). He writes back to tell me that the shipping time would be fine. His mother's birthday is at the end of February, and she is from England. The teapot to her set got broken, and he is buying her the teapot for her birthday. Whew, talk about a Hallmark moment. All hail, all hail to men who love and respect their mother's. He went out of his way to make a memory for his dear mother. What a guy!!! Oh, footnote, he wrote to say the teapot was perfect, and he was happy.........
Now on to Homecoming. I have joined a new little web mall called "French Cupboard". Yes, I know I am an ardent anglophile, but my English china feels so at home in the "French Cupboard". I think my wares (always wanted to call the merchandise: wares) fit right in and bring my cozy cottage feel and a certain "joie de vivre" to the lovely elegance of French style. So all you "bon vivants" come on over and enjoy the "French Cupboard". Click on the picture and it will take you there, easy does it.

Hey, while you are over there check out a magazine called "Porch". It is a lovely compendium of pictures that draw you in and take you on a journey; blogger style. It is really worth the read, or should I say look. Click on the picture and you will be magically transported over there.

And here's a little quote to give possibilities to your day:
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
George Eliot
By the way, did you know George Eliot was really a woman, who wrote under a nom de plume so her work would be taken seriously. No, seriously!!!
Here's praying for huge blessings to overtake you today,
What a beautiful story about the teapot! That's the kind of sons we all want, isnt' it?!
I had no idea George Elliot was a woman! I love that quote too! I'm always telling my kids, "You can always be what you want to be but you gotta get working at it."
I'm so glad that you feel at home at the Cupboard because we love being in your company!!!
Blessings... Polly
:) I love the line about your wallet being warmed! LOL
But yes I do see how that man's letter is indeed heart stirring.
Love is a grand thing.. :)
I am going to check into the link you left :)
And super congrats on your sale!
Hi Theresa! I have checked in on you waiting for you to post...what a sweet story about the teapot.
Hello Dear Friend,
What a blessing to read your blog post this morning, how sweet! Hope all is well in your world this beautiful weekend! Thank you so very much for caring enough to check in with me, that has meant so much!! You are a blessing!
Donna Lynn
Hi sweet Theresa, How are you? Sorry I didn't comment earlier but the blasted late winter storm knocked out my internet for a week. Oh how I missed it. Polly's new mall, French Cupboard is fabulous isn't it? Sadly though I can't join right now. I spent all my advertising budget at the beginning of the year. I knew about George Elliot but I had forgotten that little tidbit. Hope your weekend is wonderful and wacky. xo Lynn
Hi Theresa,
I have missed and thought of you so many times. I am glad you dropped by my blog to fill me in on all the great things you are up to.
I'm going to check out the "French Cupboard". It sounds wonderful.
Have a great weekend.
xo Cathy
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