Do you remember the movie Mr. Mom? He lost his job, wallowed in self pity, let it all go, found himself, organized his surroundings and his life, and in the end regained all he had lost and more.
Yup, that's me, well, without the Mr. title. I quit my stress permeated job (circumstances personal), cried, wallowed in self pity, yelled at God, made a mess of the holidays, came to grips with it all, and found myself. The self I had lost several years ago when I felt the gentle nudging that all was not well with my soul. Do you remember when he drives into the school entrance, and someone yell's "You're doing it wrong!" MMMhmmm, that was me. I was doing it wrong, trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. How about when he tells his son he needs to give up his little blanket or he'd end up strung out on comforters. That was me telling myself, give up the stress or you'll end up strung out on stress, and I was! It took two months of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth to realize I am now where I want to be. Back in partnership with God, nurturing a faith that was sadly neglected. It's a new year, and my circumstances haven't changed, but my life has. Faith renewed, I am looking forward to a year of learning, prospering, working, and most important of all, learning how to BE! I hope all of you have learned your lessons faster than old me. I was always do, do, doing. Now I want to spend some time learning just to BE.
Here's a bit of whimsy for you:
To be is to do ~ Plato
To do is to be ~ Socrates
Do be Do be do ~ Sinatra
What do you choose?
First, let me say I have sampled all three and prefer Sinatra's philosophy. It just rolls off the tongue so much more fluidly.
Seriously though, I can relate so much. I think we have walked similar paths. I was so caught up in all that I was doing that I had forgotten who I was. The stress of trying to do everything for everybody was eating me alive. Even ministry had become a tremendous burden because my focus was on doing stuff for God, rather than being in constant fellowship with Him. God sent me a wake-up call and said, "Be still!" I had to learn to just spend time sitting at His feet. It is only there that I learn how to just BE His child. It is there that I gain the strength to do all that He calls me to do and the wisdom to pass on just doing "stuff".
Sometimes a bad experience makes you appreciate the good ones even more!
I too have found a better place to be in.
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