Cottage Violets

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day From Cottage Violet's

Dear Friends,
I am taking time out from the vicarage to come and tell you, "Happy Mother's Day".

It's a nice spring day here in Harrington Woods. The violets are in full bloom, and it smells like the English countryside.

Gabby, the girl of all work, lost her dear mother, our housekeeper, two months ago. I am guest posting on her behalf. She is deeply saddened, but holding up rather well after all.

                                                                                                                                So "Happy Mother's Day" to all the mothers and substitute mothers out there.

Hold you mother close and dear. Never take a day for granted. We only have one day at a time to fill with joy and gladness

A few pictures that make me very happy, enjoy;


Happy Mother's Day from Cottage Violets,
 Miss Violet Teacake and Friends

Note: Miss Violet Teacake is a fictional character from the website "Cottage Violets" However, my grief at losing my mother two months ago is real. Blessings, Theresa

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