The sweetest tussie-mussie from Stephanie at Shabby in Pink Boutique to signify new friends.Then a sticky for prayer requests, lately there has been a never ending supply.
Here is the verse, you can find it in Habakkuk 2:2.
Don't you love saying that name: Habakkuk
Love biblical names.....
Then there is my sweet Cottage Violets. I cut out the front of an old greeting card and fitted my business card inside. I think it's too cute! But then, I would wouldn't I, lol.
I love linens and hankies. So this signifies my love of linens. I have so many more to put in the shop, so check in often. Okay?
Then, I made tags that say, PLAN, HOPE, DREAM. I used gold ink and stamps on gingham pink tags. I remembered an old stampers trick. If you make a mistake, cut-out a patch in the same or contrasting paper. Apply the patch, and then make thread marks on it in the same or contrasting ink. It hides the mistakes and looks like it was planned. Don't you love little tricks? Oh yes, there is plenty of room on the back of each tag to write my plans, hopes, and dreams.
If you know anything about me, it is that I love china. So, I put a sweet little Hammersley demitasse on the board. And beneath it a tag with a home on it. On the back of the tag I have written the name of the area my husband and I want to retire to and live in. He is 59, yikes. 401k's better grow,grow,grow.
And last, but definitely not least is a little picture I made from a little picture.I used blue pastels to suggest the presence of clouds. I added a banner to the airplane, and typed in one of my favorite verses of all times. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
So, there you have my Show and Tell. I definitely showed and told a lot didn't I. But I think everyone should have a revelation and a vision of what they want and where they are going. Because, God wants to give us the desires of our heart, as long as we follow him....................
Regards, Theresa
Love your inspiration board, it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
Theresa, your board is LOVELY! :) Isn't it wonderful when the Creator of the Universe drops something into our spirits and it's revelation?! G-d is so good!
Hugs, :)
Hi Theresa,
Your inspiration board is so lovely. You have the art to decorate and create. :)
Have a great week ahead!
Pei Li
Fantastic vision board, how could it not be seeing who inspired it. :)
Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for reminding me of one of my favorite verses.
PiNK HuGS, xoxo
very inspiring~ I love it all~S
Theresa, I love your vision board. Could you please come to Texas and do mine? Thanks for sharing!
Pink hugs, Karen
Theresa, I love your board. It is so inspiring. I am going to get myself together and start one like I have been planning to. Thanks for inspiring me!
Love your vision board and I love that the plans He has for us are so much better than ours !
Beautifully inspiring Show and Tell.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts.
Theresa--absolutely gorgeous and so very you. That's what vision boards are all about!
Hi Theresa, Your inspirational board is so over the top pretty and I loved how much care you put into all the pretties on it. So you need to come here and make mine pretty. You have inspired me to change mine. xo Lynn
All so cute. Thanks for showing your inspirations. k
Love the board. I also keep an inspiration board, to help me stay focus on the life I want.
This board is just beautiful, love the fact that you just talk to God, I do the same! No fancy prayers just some good old talks, oh and I do ask him for things, lot of things...any kid would!
Hugs, Donna Lynn
Hi Theresa,, I love your vision board, you have put so much time and thought into it! Thanks for sharing,,,,happy creating...luv, gail
Theresa....your inspiration board is lovely....which reminds me, I need to get to work on mine!
Cozy Cottage Gifts and Decor
Theresa, you've inspired me to "Pretty up" my board! I love each tag, postcard, and inspirational message you've lovingly placed! I only know Oooh La-La in french, but if I knew more,(lol) I'd be using them for your gorgeous board!!! Awesome!
Dear Sweet Theresa,
I have to say that of all the Show and Tell blogs I have been to yours was my absolute favorite. You inspired me more than you know. I just love your vision board. And most of all love that you put God in it. I don't know where my life would be without him. I trust him and have faith and always talk to him. So I just want to thank you for making me smile. This really made my day.
Your Show and Tell deserves 5 Stars.
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows
Theresa! That is just beautiful.I love it! Thank you for the sharing the tussie mussie, I am so happy it inspires you. I think we all inspire eachother, that is what makes MMP so special. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Pink Hugs,
Tres magnifique Therese'! I just "talk to God" too most of the time. I guess most folks pray a bit more formally, and that's fine...I do to sometimes. But God is a trusted friend, so I just talk to Him like I would if He was right here having coffee with me. I also guess some folks might consider that disrespectful, but it seems to me this is how it SHOULD be. I'm not ashamed to talk to Him WHERE EVER I am. =0] Anywho.....you WON your pinkeep sugah! Hoooray! lol
Hi Teresa,
Thank you my sweet for stopping by my blog. I am absolutely flipping out over your vision board.
I am off antiquing with a friend, but am flying home today. As soon as I get back, I am redoing my Vision Board. My friend and I both agree it is the most beautiful Vision Board we have ever seen.
Your are talented beyond words and I am going to be emailing you soon to chat with you about a small project you might want to help me with.
Take care sweetie,
There must be a btter word for it, because yours is beyond inspirational! Love it!
Theresa, I could read every thing you do over and over again. How enchanting! Just beautiful and oh so spiritual. Thank you for sprinkling your violet blessings on all who read your blog.
Susie at The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Theresa.....I had to come back over and take another look at your beautiful inspiration board after you commented on my giveaway. Yes, I made my mini-board, and yes it really would make a good companion to yours!
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