You know, I see more feet pictures these days. There is even a coffee table book with feet that represents a cross section of the United States. Working feet, dancing feet (my favorite, lol), baby feet, cowboy feet, FEET. You name the feet, they have them. My A/R clerk at work got married a year and a half a go. She's a budding photographer. She excitedly asked me if I wanted to see the wedding pictures she took (that didn't include her). Great, I said. Well, the first thing I see is a picture of all her maids and ushers feet (barefoot). She looked up, and said, " I just have this thing about FEET." So, I have jumped on the bandwagon feet first, lol. My dispatcher wears flip flops 24/7. I have heard rumors that her bedroom slippers are fuzzy flip flops. Anyhoo, Janet at
Janet's Creative Pillows, (one of my favorite Pink Sister's of all times), had a wonderful marvelous, flip-flop pillow for Pink Friday's Beach Cottage theme. Well, my dispatcher was having a birthday so I just scooped it up ASAP. Here it is in all it beachy glory. Thank you Janet, it was the perfect gift......
The feet from left to right, my boss's granddaughter's feet (she's subbing for her aunt, who is the boss's daughter and ready to give birth at any moment , excitement building), next the general manager's wife's feet, next the birthday girl's feet, and last but not least my little sister (well, ex-sister-in-law, but true blue friend after 30 years and definitely a sister to me). By the way, as you can tell she isn't wearing flip flops, but we are equal opportunity photographers, lol. Also, you don't see the asst. dispatchers (son-in-law, husband of pregnant boss's daughter) feet. Reason; they are too darn big to fit in the picture, and his pink tennies clashed with our theme. I guess our opportunities are not that equal. hahahahahahha, can't help it.
These next two pictures are of my present from Janet of
Janet's Creative Pillows. She gave me lips!!!! I have been asking my husband for lips for years (like I could afford them, hahaha), but alas tis not to be. So, I decided, when I saw my scrumptious lip pillow, that I would put it on my inspiration board. Who knows, maybe God will send an angel to plump up my lips for me, lol. Hey, you may laugh but it could happen. I believe, I believe, I believe. Good thing God has an enormous sense of humor.
Now, for the last, but not least, picture. Pink Friday's theme is The Garden Path. So, let me take you down the garden path (snicker,snicker, can't help it). Here is a little foretaste, foretaste of the offerings available at Cottage Violet's this Friday. So mark your calender, and MMP and my site, and shop til you drop in an Earthly Garden of Delights. Tis waiting down the garden path, and you have an exclusive invitation.
Here is a short excerpt from one of my children's books.
" Safe beneath my garden walls,
I've gathered bunnies, bears, and dolls."
You are invited, too!
Regards, Theresa