Once upon a time in the Land Up North, way across borders and mountains and streams, there lived an Angel with a heart of gold. Now Miss Angel Heart (for that is her name) was sitting in her throne room (license taken) overlooking her kingdom, where goats and chickens and dogs and nature sang together in three part harmony.
Amid the cacophony, there came the message, "You've got mail". Flying to her magic box, Miss Angel Heart read the request. Oh my, the land down under (under Sammamish, that is) was in need of buttons. Fairy tale buttons, ice creams colors, pastel wonders, could she do it, the sender asked?
Miss Angel Heart went to work with earth, and paste, and glaze, and all the colors of the rainbow. At just the last minute, she raided her stash of fairy dust and threw in a goodly amount, because there is an overwhelming need for Fairy Tales in the land down under (under Sammamish, that is).
With a mighty launch, Miss Angel Heart sent the Fairy Tale Buttons flying over land and stream to their new home. In the package the poor Southlander found an added treasure, a beautiful polka dot bowl. Miss Angel Heart wanted to make sure the Fairy Tale Buttons had a royal place to reside, so she sent the bowl to keep them company.
. Satisfied with her hard days work, Miss Angel Heart laid down her weary head, and dreamt of all the Fairy Tale treasures her buttons would soon be a part of.
So in honor of Miss Angel Heart, let the festivities begin. Welcome to the World of Fairy Tale Buttons, the story is just beginning.............. it's a love story.........
NOTE: Gentle readers, who is Miss Angel Heart you ask? When she is not ruling her Royal Kingdom, she takes on the mortal personna of Cindy Houot (pronounced Who, like the Who's in Whoville, but that is a story for another time). Her boutique is http://www.angelheartdesigns.com/ .
P.S. If you are interested in the Pinwheel Tags, they are at http://www.cottageviolets.com/ this evening. I love my Pinwheel Tags, so fun.
See you in Fairy Tale Land, Theresa
ohhh thank you for sharing that sweet story...I think that Miss Angel Heart makes the most wonderful things. She is not only an Angel Heart but Generous Hearted too to send a sweet bowl to keep the treasures in.
I love it all~ Your talents combined is like a fairy tale come true.
Everything is just Gorgeous!!! The button colors are yummy. Beautiful!
Very wonderful once upon a time!
cute designs...
OOOOooohhhhhh Theresa, your treasures are splendifferous! Isn't it lovely how kind our MMP Fairies are? =0] Have tons of fun playing with your score! Luvins!
Yippee! That was a fun story and fun pretties you have made. Have a great week.
Those buttons are lovely, the colors are the best! The pinwheel tags are fun! Very nice,
Those buttons are lovely, the colors are the best! The pinwheel tags are fun! Very nice,
That was so Sweet and the story so nice. Love all the pretties. Guess I'd better check it out.
Warmly, Deb
Hi Theresa,,, I love the buttons. I have been patiently waiting to see what these cute little things looked like and what you do with them!!! Just adorable. I love Cindys work also. I use her roses alot....happy creating..gail
I just love the buttons, they are adorable. Miss Angel Heart is so very creative.
You are the sweetest spirit!What is it about a bunch of yummy buttons that is so inviting? I enjoyed your post and the wonderful designs from these buttons.Lilli
Dear Theresa...I now crown you the "Button Queen" for you have made the story of the Fairy Tale Buttons come alive in a splendiforus way...I hope you have as much fun creating them..as I did in my kingdom making them..I now command the creative fairies.. from my Sammamish Kingdom..for creativity to flow beyond your wildest dreams... VIOLA!!! xoxo
Cindy :)
Oh Theresa,
Those are so wonderful! I love what you have done with Cindys buttons. You both are so creative. My best to you.
Theresa, Everything is soooo cute! How nice of you to show of Cindy's buttons too!
Forget Me Not Dream
Okay Ms Theresa,
Everything looks oh so yummy and pink and colorful and your story delights us and makes us feel young and joyous...please don't stop making your beautiful lovelies and telling your fanciful tales for us to enjoy!
Hi Theresa,
You are a woman after my own heart! I love your beautiful creations. The pinwheel tags are such a great idea! I just love them. The buttons, don't get me started. Miss Angel Heart makes some pretty wonderful things! I love it all! Wonderful story too!
Hi Theresa!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Hope you are doing well. Oh how I love that you shared Cindy of Angel Heart Designs! She is such a doll. I talk to her often and she is one talented lady. Love her products! And you are a doll for sharing it with all of us. Hope you have a fantastic week and make tons of sales!
Janets Creative Pillows
What a Wonderful Story! and I love the pinwheels. I am BIG Button lover.
Peace and Blessings
I feel like I stepped into an ice cream store. All the pretty pastels are gorgeous. And your story! What can I say? Oh right...I already told you once I think. Write a book for my grand-daughter and all the little fairy princesses out there. ~ Lynn
Fun use of the buttons, you make wonderful things!
Hope your week is blessed and all is well with you, pop over to blushing rose and find out what happened with my blog I thought was no longer there...
What a charming story! Those buttons are SCRUMPTIOUS! They look like candy!
i just stumbled across your lovely blog and i instantly fell in love! i feel like im inside a real live fairytale!
visit my blog "the sound of rain" at:
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