Now don't jump right to the pictures until I explain. I live in a desert climate where fall, spring, and winter are short seasons. We usually jump right into summer from any angle. So I thought I would present my favorite May flowers in another way.
Have you ever heard of the language of flowers? In Victorian times it was a way to state your case with flowers. Many an aspiring beau used flowers to let their beloved know exactly where they stood,(or wanted to stand). A trifling bouquet could keep a flagging relationship off the rocky shoals of separation. Many a girlish tiff with one's best forever friend was patched and mended with a fragrant tussie-mussie. I hope we can bring this endearing practice back. We have natural flowers, silk flowers, paper flowers, and on and on.
Today I choose to use flowers that never need watering (well an occasional wash, lol). Or a little humidiy in the china cabinet once in a while. You are way ahead of me aren't you. China, ooooh my favorite, and the amazing flowers that adorn our favorite accessories.
Let's start with (hmmmm) Violet's
Violets mean "faithful"
This is a Hammersley fine china pomander with lovely Victorian violets.
How about the Blue Cornflower
The Blue Cornflower stands for "Hope in Love'
Be still my beating heart, isn't that too sweet!
This is a Hammersley Blue Cornflower Trinket Egg. Lovely for little keepsakes.
Then there is the Yellow Rose
The Yellow Rose stands for "Friendship"
This is Royal Albert Tea Rose pattern. This pattern is so cheerful. It is just right for a fun, lasting friendship
How about beautiful delicate ivy.
Ivy stands for "Fidelity"
We don't hear much about fidelity anymore. But I think it is a word just waiting to be revived, remembered and revisited.
I love this Pink Rose
Pink Rose stands for "Grace"
This is Royal Albert's American Beauty pattern. Isn't is lovely? I think God had a hand in this pattern, because He has definitely cornered the market on grace.......
Simply breathtaking are the Yellow, Coral, and Pink Roses.
This pattern is Hammersley's Morgan's Rose.It always makes me think of the pirate's of old and how we've romanticized them. Henry Morgan was the King of Pirate's. He was cruel and a true leader. But I wonder about his tender side. I think of him when I see this pattern, because I am a romantic goose.
Here's a little diddy I made up for this pattern:
He sailed the seas, but ne'er forgot,
Her standing there in sweet repose,
He bade her wait 'til he returned,
Twas none so fair as Morgan's Rose.
And last, but not least, here is a whimsical, and oh so fun teapot of the garden variety, it's pedigree in doubt, lol. But you will notice a big Red Raspberry on it.
Raspberry stands for forgiveness.
So, as a fitting end to this post, I am asking your forgiveness in having to have read this long,long post on a subject I have great passion for. I hope the read was worth the time. Please, don't forget to tell your friends about all the fun at Make Mine Pink
Regards, Theresa