First I'll show you the cute little Peter Rabbit tea tile. Isn't it too sweet and I showed it to you "tout suite". eh!!!
And right next to it the 3 piece baby set. Made in England, of course.

And the Maid in England is one Helen Beatrix Potter. Born into a wealthy industrialist family in the Victorian era, Beatrix was practically raised by her Scottish nanny. Beatrix attributed her vivid imagination to the Scottish nannies belief in witches and fairies. She had an acute love for nature and animals which accounts for her sheep farming and preservation work in the Lake District in England. There is a whole museum amusement type facility in Windemere (Lake District) called "The World of Beatrix Potter Attraction". Just a little note: If you are ever staying at the Ritz Carlton Naples Beach in Florida, take the children because they have a full blown Peter Rabbit Tea. Isn't that too cool? And I really want to see the movie "Miss Potter" with Rene Zellwigger.
Okay, I'm done for a bit with that. Let's move on. I have the most amazing thing to show you. Well amazing to me....It's a Hammersley Fine Bone China WHISTLE!!!! Woohoo, you heard it right WHISTLE. Isn't this the sweetest thing? I couldn't wait to snag it when I saw it. It's one of those treasures that will be hard to put on Cottage Violets. The picture shows front and back. Sorry about the quality of the pix, I am in a hurry to get this post up before it turns Tuesday on me. lol. Now you really could whistle in style while you work....
There's My Show and My Tell. Now I am off to see all the treasures you have on your blogs. I am always in awe of the creative force behind all your blogs. TaTa Girls, see you at the Lake District, (a girl can wish can't she)..................
Theresa ~
That is such a sweet Beatrix Potter collection !
I also love the whistle ~ how beautiful !!
It's never to late to post "Show and Tell". Love the whistle, it's beautiful.
Hope your having a wonderful evening.
Oh I do love your potter plates, You must see the movie! It is funny because I just watched it the other night. A delightful tale I know you will enjoy, thanks for sharing the history about her I do love a good story.
Hi Theresa,,, I love your blog today. I adore Beatix Potter.That whistle is awsome,I have never seen anything like it before. I dont know how you all part with these treasures you find and have to put on your
I dont remember that candy and ice cream place. I was really young last time I was in Bakersfield. My first instinct was to call my Mom and ask her. She passed away in June, thats the first time I have done that. She must remember it and that was her sign. lol You have a great week ahead theresa,,,pink hugs, gail
What a fun show and tell! I just love the whistle! I too would have a hard time letting that go! Thanks for sharing!
Nice touch of hist0ry with your treasures. Thank You. Happy Monday!
Hey Theresa!
Love the show and tell you posted, so sweet!(love bunnies)
Hope your having a wonderful start to your week!
Bless you!
Donna Lynn
You have such lovely treasures (love the whistle!)and a knowlege of the history behind them that is facinating! I wish we lived right next door to each other. We would have such fun!
Pink hugs, Karen
how sweet! i love beatrix potter's art. but that whistle! how cool is that! amazing...i have never seen anything like it. great show and tell.
Oh my, oh my! Peter Rabbit is one of my favourite cartoon characters! I have their cotton fabrics collected few years ago that I don't bear to use them!
Thanks for sharing!
Pei Li
Those were an amazing find. I have always loved Beatrix Potter dishes.
Teresa, I watched the movie the other night too. Wow, do great minds think alike.
I just love your collection of pretties. I saw some prints at the thrift store the other day, but don't have a market for them, so I had to leave them there. It was very sad, they were too cute.
I love the whistle...You are so imaginative.
You will love the movie...saw it three times!!
Theresa, Love the Peter Rabbit tea tile and wonderful photo of Beatrix Potter. We were very pleased to visit her Hilltop House two years ago and see how everything has been kept the same since she illustrated there. I was sure Peter Rabbit was going to pop his head out of the garden at any minute. It is set among the most beautiful farms, all with stone walls and very woolly sheep. Really enjoy your blogs. Cheers, Jean
Oh me, oh my, I'm always late....LOL
love the Beatrix Potter goodies.
And the whistle ! Who wouldn't love a beautiful whistle like that.
Theresa--it's never too late for show and tell, I think I made it show and tell thursday last week! So You're Early!!!That whistle is amazing--would have liked that when I coached softball years ago!! Can you imagine?? I love Beatrix Potter, nice find, like that picture of her.
Theresa, You did it again. Gave me another wonderful story to read. Very nice show and tell. I agree, the whistle is to die for. PS. I also want to see the movie Mrs. Potter.
Susie ~The Polka Dot Rose~
Hi Theresa!
Oh how I adore Bunnies! The Beatrix Potter Collection is beautiful! And those whistles are so cute too! Your blog is so much fun Theresa and so are you! Can't wait to see what other fun things you show and tell next Monday!
Janet's Creative Pillows
Hi your china whistle. I don't think I've seen one of those before. Your plates are lovely too. :)
Hi Theresa, That whistle is beautiful. What a find! And you say your rhododendrons grow like weeds there. wow! Hope you're having a super great day. ~ Lynn
I absolutely LOVE the Beatrix Potter items. I haven't seen the recent movie release yet, but I hope to soon.
I want to thank you for stopping by to comment. As far as the milk that is just SO sweet of you. Words could not describe how appreciative and touched I would be. Name your price lady! haha
Have a wonderful weekend! ~ Michelle
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