Forgive me Cindy. I couldn't wait. I don't even have anything made yet. But I couldn't wait, I just couldn't. I have seen all the roses Cindy of Angel Heart Designs is making for all my Pink Friends for their beautiful projects. Well, I have this thing for buttons ever since I worked in a Yarn/Craft shop back in the 80's. So I threw caution to the wind and asked Cindy if she would make a couple of buttons for me. This lady is soooooooo nice, she must have flown to her wheel or whatever ceramic artists fly to, and produced the cutest buttons imaginable. I am going to request them in the two sizes and six colors. Oh my, I might just horde them like Scrooge McDuck diving into his pile of gold coins in the vault (sorry, for that mind picture). Anyhoo, here is a picture of the prototypes. Can't you imagine dolls and tags and journals and jewelry and cards and quilts and wall hangings. Mine, mine, mine, all mine, lol. I must also say Cindy is the most accommodating person. She listens, really listens. I like that in someone I am interested in buying something from. Cindy of Angel Heart Designs you are appreciated, and Make Mine Pink, where I found you, is privileged to have found you, too......
Speaking of Make Mine Pink (the art of the segue, lol). Pink Friday is just four days away, and you have an exclusive invitation to enjoy one day of theme coordinated shopping. You don't have to worry about finding something for your Father's Favorites, just come to Make Mine Pink on Friday and click on the Pink Friday boutiques. It's all about Father's and we have all searched high and low for the best father's day gifts imaginable. We put our imaginations to work and the merchandise will amaze you.... Here are a couple of pictures with a little introduction to Pink Friday's Father's Favorites
Imagine the Vicarage at Harrington Woods (if you haven't read Gabby Tails at Cottage Violets, you might want to stop, and go read them, lol). The old Vicar is sitting in the library by the fire. Gabby brings in his morning tray and sets it on the old desk. She moves the blotter and inkwell to make room for the shining tray. The Vicar looks over with a smile on his face. He will never forget how the cheerful Blue Cornflower pattern on the china has been a staple in his life all these years at Harrington Woods. Gabby smiles as she exits the room. Real men may not eat quiche, but they can enjoy fine china.........................................
Don't miss the wonderful surprises that are waiting for you on Friday
P.S. Don't let the look of the Muffin Dish fool you. I know it looks like a butter dish at first. Think of a flat soup bowl with a domed lid. Large enough to hold plenty of breakfast goodies. It's also called a Covered Pancake Dish. It depends on the "authority" you are speaking to, lol.
Regards, Gabby (oops Theresa)
That's such a pretty tea pot! And the buttons are so cute!
Pei Li
Gorgeous things and the buttons are such a wonderful idea! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for them!
Trisha Evans
Theresa, Love the buttons, endless possibilities there!! Your little teapot and muffin dish are too cute.
Hope you have a fabulous day!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Ooohhh, those buttons are wonderful. Your right, the possibilities are endless.
Those buttons are amazing and so are your forget me knots. You can come up with the most wonderful things. I just love them.
Love the pancake dish...actually the Japanese ones were for their rice pancakes or like Chinese "moo-shi"...they didn't know Mrs. Buttermilk or Aunt Jemima!
I love the buttons Cindy made for you,Theresa, how adorable!
I have to laugh, you're right, real men do love china! My sweet DH eats off of china every evening! I buy bits and pieces of china, and use them daily. His only complaint is you can't microwave them.. ahh such a small complaint~
Love your china pieces, the domed dish is beautiful.
I love those buttons, I may have to order some of those myself. That muffin bowl is just way too cute!
Hi Theresa,
Now, who doesn't have a collection of buttons....and, yes, we horde them like old man Scrooge!!
Great post....thanks for sharing!!
The buttons are so cute! I can't wait to see what you have planned for them.
Love the buttons! Cindy is so talented!
Theresa, I love reading your posts. You have such a way of spinning stories. You need to write a book!
Pink hugs, Karen
Love the buttons, Cindy is amazing. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Wow, Cindy has done it again. Those buttons are so darn cute!!! I cant wait to see what you make with them. Cindy has done work for me, and you are right, she is awesome!!! I love the cornflower blue teapot. What a cute story... happy creating..luv gail
The buttons are lovely, do you have any projects in mind for them?
Can't wait to see what you make with your stash! LOL I love buttons . Bakersfield! We must have friends I know so many gals from there. Do you know an Indian woman named Irene Skau? Amazing lady who lived for many years in Bakersfield.
happy monday! Lilli
Hi Theresa! It was a nice surprise to have you visit my blog and see how I was doing! You are so kind and I just wanted to let you know that I have some new pics up and an update on what I have been up to. Have fun with your lovely new buttons!! Talk to you soon!
Nichole Huotari
Cola's Cottage
Cindy is amazing, isn't she? I mean, how cute are those buttons? She can do ANYTHING! Can't wait to see your projects.
Theresa, I love those buttons! I am a softee for a button. I have been known to travel out of state and come home with one single antique button which I treasure! Thanks for sharing Cindy's wonderful creations.
The Polka Dot Rose
Theresa, You new buttons are wonderful! Cindy did such a good job as always! Have fun using them!
Ooh! la la...
Thank you... Thank you...I'm so happy you like them..wait till you see the others..:)
Thank you for saying such nice things...Ditto!!
Cindy xoxo
HI Theresa,
Gorgeous buttons.. it will be fun to create with them I'm sure. And.. thanks for the offer as a servant at our shop. I wish you lived near by, we need a great worker!!!
Hi Theresa,
Make sure and stop by and sign up for my giveaway!
Don't you just love her things she makes, she lives and works about 45min. from me! I need to get over to see her soon...
Hi Sweet Theresa!
What a real treat! I don't blame you one bit for showing Cindy's work. She is so talented. I plan on getting some ceramic magnets for my company soon. She makes the cutest things! And I absolutely loooove that tea pot! What a great gift that would make! I love your Show and Tell. I so look forward to visiting you and all the pinkies again next Monday.
Have a beautiful day and also thank you for the sweetest comments you left me.
Janet's Creative Pillows
I have told you lately how wonderful your blog is....not to mention your gorgeous website? is!
Cute cute cute buttons....and such sweet china! I'm tryin' to get my sweet patootie in gear with the stitchin'....I have something just about ready to put up.....(now where's that antique gold thread I just had?!...) lol ;0]
Cindy is the bestest isn't she. She just finished a personal order for me too. And they were exactly what I wanted. I love them.
The buttons are 2DIE4. How cute, cute, cute.
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