Cottage Violet's is having it's first blog contest. The deadline is 9PM EST on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 and the winner will be posted by 9AM EST on the 4th of July. All you have to do is leave a comment telling why you love the good ol' USA, and that's it, you are entered. Please play nice and enter only once, lol. And the prize: A $50.00 (fifty) dollar gift certificate for merchandise of your choice at Cottage Violet's. This old gal's red blood runs true blue, so in recognition of the 4th of July, we are offering a reproduction paperdoll book called United We Stand. One-half the purchase price will be donated to the Disabled American Veterans. We have a limited number of 12 books at only $12.95 (shipping and handling included), so hurry on over and support our veterans. Here's a sneak peak at the paperdolls. (Sorry for the picture quality, they are really crisp and clear in real life).
Una, Ned, Ida, Tom, Eva, and Don are saluting you, and your patriotism. Won't you help Cottage Violets help support a Disabled American Veteran? We appreciate your kindness.
Whether or not you purchase this book, you are still eligible to enter the BLOG CONTEST. So leave your comment, and God Bless The USA. (Please note, international shipping is not included in the $50.00 gift certificate, but may be used as part of the purchase price for domestic shipping. There's always some fine print!!! All comments are subject to approval of the blog owner, and any rude or deleterious comments will be blocked.)
Have a Wonderful Independence Day, Theresa
Being married to a disabled Veteran you know we support them and all of our armed forces.
I love America because even the people who will not serve are given the same rights as those who serve and protect them. How can you not love that deal?
Good Morning Theresa,
Well I love just about everything about the USA. I am proud to live here. I especially love the 4th of July! The fireworks, gatherings, and being with friends and family. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Pink Hugs,
I love it here because no other country would let me get away with what I do here! I am truly a 1st amendment Yankee Doodle gal!!
Hi Theresa,
I love the fact that anything is possible in the USA. No matter what your background is or where you come from, you can make your dreams come true if you want it bad enough!
How can you not honor and love a country that protects us and our rights and also allows us the freedom to live the life we choose? There's no other country like the USA and I am truly proud and honored to be an American.
I love the USA we have the freedom to pursue our passions. I love the USA because we love our soldiers. I love the USA because of our generosity. We top any nation in the amount we give as a government or individuals.
I am proud to be an American because no other nation affords the same freedoms as she does. We are guaranteed the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". We can say what we want, move about our great nation freely, live where ever we choose, love whomever tugs our heartstrings, and worship openly and fearlessly--no matter what our faith and beliefs! I served in our Army to preserve these freedoms, and I'd do it again and again and again.
Yes'm, this gal's blood runs true blue too...Thank you thank you THANK YOU my sweet Yankee Doodle Dandy friend, for holding this contest and supporting the DAV! You're a blessing to us all! xoxo
Good sweet morning Theresa, (I can never remember if there is a H in your name or not). I put my flags out on the front porch Saturday. I love American because I can put those flags out any time I want. :)
I've always been so very thankful to have been born in the United States of America. I think of war-ravaged countries and how their lives are so very different than ours. I'm thankful for our freedom that so many have sacrificed their lives for. Freedom to worship our Lord, freedom to speak, freedom to work and have our own businesses. There are so many privileges we have, other countries do not. When I think back to Sept. 11th and the terror that was inflicted on our country, I realized what these other countries must experience on a daily basis. I am thankful for peace. Thank you for visiting my blog!! xxoo, Dawn
Hi Theresa, What a lovely way to commemorate our country! There are of course so many reasons I love the USA, I love it because it's my home, and I'm free to be everything I want to be here, not only free, but encouraged as well! I support my country and honor her because of my respect for those brave souls who have given their lives and service for these freedoms we so richly enjoy. My husband served for 23 years in the Navy and retired as an E9 Master Chief and I could not be prouder! He is the most patriotic person I've ever known, and he has instilled his values in my children, so that they will respect and honor all that he and everyone who serves this country has ever or will ever do for all of us. How blessed we are!
omg, put it into just a few words, i would have to say that i love America because she offers worship and to speak. i love that there are so many proud service men and women that will stand for justice and the American way and who put their lives on the line everyday for the welfare of our nation. and i love that we are a nation of opportunity where women like us can own and develop businesses with our God-given talents and abilities.
thank you for this contest theresa.
I love this country of ours. We have freedoms that no other country allows. God bless the USA and the brave men and women who have given their service and/or lives to protect her!
I have had the opportunity to travel abroad to the Middle East and other countries and I have to say that being born in America is such a priveledge! Prior to my trip I often took this freedom for granted. My perspective has changed. Today I see my freedom in new light: I have the freedom, as a woman in this country, to worship my God, live and work, raise my children, home-school my children and speak my mind and heart...I am grateful for this freedom. It was never so much appreciated until I came back and placed my feet on American soil, my homeland. For those who fight for MY freedom and OUR country there are not enough words...I am truly grateful for your sacrifice. I am grateful that you love this country, our freedom, enough to sacrifice your life so that I might keep mine AND my freedom. The only other person that did that for me was JESUS. I am eternally grateful,thank you!
I love this country because I have freedom of choice. I can speak mymind with out fear. I love this country even when things are not going my way. I believe in free speech even when I don't agree with the person who is speaking.
What it means to me to be an American: It means that I am free and that I get to persue my own feelings in life. I don't get bossed around by others or have someone else rule over me and tell me what to do. I love being an American! I think that I am really lucky that someone cares enough about my country to go and fight for it's freedom. I am thankful that they do that for me. I think it would be really hard to fight and protect thousands of people you don't even know.
~Annabelle 10 yrs.old
Ah Yes...America The Beautiful!!!
Our house always has an American flag flying and well lit when the sun goes down. My husband comes from a long line of veterans...he himself an ex flyboy (the US AirForce) and proud of it! Where else can we enjoy ALL of the freedoms we have and even complain freely, without danger or persecution! Let's all honor America and work hard to maintain its integrity!! And pray to God,(whom we can freely choose to worship)to protect and bless it!
Good Morning Theresa, Thank you for visiting, and the invite!
I come from a long line of Military, and living in the USA is the best, My son, daughter, son in law and daughter in law are all NAvy and they fight and sacrifice every minute of the day for their country,I am so proud of them and all they do, Watching my son come home from three tours in the War and having everyone clap for him was the most rewarding moment! God Bless America! Hugs ~Diana Lyn
Dearest Theresa,
Where else but in the USA can someone make and have all of their dreams come trues. Especially women. Look at all the wonderful success stories right here at MMP.
I know, because I am one of them. My success story is being able to find my dream of pure happiness in life and all the freedoms that life has to offer us here in the wonderful USA!
Thank you for a wonderful contest my friend.
xo Cath
Theresa, great contest! Gotta love the USA for all the personal rights. My home is my sanctuary, I can say what I think, I can do what I chose to make a living.
Having lived all over the world in different countries and economic situations leaves a hunger for this country and it's sovereign soil that cannot be quenched.
Many times the urge to kiss the ground was there when we returned from duties abroad. I understood our POW's well as I watched each of them deplane after Vietnam. Their tears of joy spread through all of us and made a lasting impression on me.
Never at any time or while visiting in any nation had I ever discovered the true freedom we so proudly possess here in the USA.
Our flag brings cheers from those oppressed who would leap with joy and follow our vehicles knowing a kindness was at the end of their road...
The flag... FREEDOM. It's colors hold the meaning: "White represents purity and innocence; red represents hardiness and valor; and blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice."
FREEDOM... it's what Independence is all about. A most precious pearl that must continue to shine. Remember those who are fighting to keep us safe.
Happy Independence Day! ~ God Bless America!
Hi Theresa,, what a great contest. Thank you for having it. I am so blessed to have been born in this country, there is no where else on earth that allows you the freedom we have here. Thanks for bringing this to our attention as a reminder. Getting caught up in everyday life its to easy to take our freedom for granted. (()) gail
Tom is a retired Marine and most of our neighbors are Veterans. I never realized what these men did for our country so we can be free. We are so blessed to live in a country where we have so many freedoms.This is a wonderful blog contest. Thanks for having it and Happy 4th!
What a special contest. When I was in High School I attended an event called Girls State. Over the course of a week we learned about the government, how it is ran and had our own mock elections etc. Everyday we would gather hand in had in a circle around the flag and say the pledge and sing patriotic songs. Still to this day, I can't say the pledge or sing the Star Spangled Banner without tears. I am so grateful to this in this land where we enjoy the freedoms we do. We are truly blessed.
Forget Me Not Dreams
Hi Theresa!
You knock my socks off with your kindness! What a nice thing you are doing by offering this giveaway.
I love the USA for so many reasons. Our freedom,the troops that to me are heroes. All the beautiful states. And who can say that we don't have the best pizza in the world? lol Okay so it's between Chicago and New ;-D But seriously. I love everything about the U.S.A and am truly honored to be an american.
Janet's Creative Pillows
Theresa, Thank you for honoring the USA is such a generous way. I am always proud of the USA and all she stands for. Four of my grandparents came here through Ellis Island to find a better life in America. My Dad served in WW II. My brother is retired from the service. I have been a flag waver since I was little because my small school made such a big fuss over Flag Day with parades, music, ceremonies, etc. To this day, I celebrae Flag Day! We know so many freedoms in our country. God Bless America.
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose
What a sweet post! I just love the fourth of july and always take time to thank those who paid the price for our freedom.
What a wonderful post!
I love the USA because....well there are purple mountains magesty and amber waves of grain. Really when you think about it, we have our flaws, but we also have are freedom...
Hi Theresa,
Just found your beautiful blog! What a wonderful way to commemorate the Fourth of July holiday weekend! There are so many great things about our country that I love! There is so much dynamic diversity in just the landscape ~ we have two scenic coasts on two different oceans, rugged mountain ranges, open prairies, miles and miles of fertile crop-growing lands, and so many other nice topographic delights. I love America, also because we are free to pursue happiness. We may not find it, but we can definitely chase after it!! :)
Hugs, Bebe :)
i love the US of A
because i can be a girl and have the right to think
(and sometimes, not think)
and to have the privilege to live
in the best country in the world.
i am in the middle of the lifemove
back to my hometown
a smalltown in US of A
and this intense love seems to get
even stronger.
I love the good old USA for so many things! The beauty of this country, the wonderful people, religious freedom, the clean water and good food, the men and women who protect us, the freedoms that we enjoy and do not know until we are faced with a country or someone who doesn't have these!
Hope you have a great 4th, and sign me up Theresa!!
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