Cottage Violets

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Is How I Know Tea Time Will Go On

I picked the most beautiful. lilting song to turn into tea music. And then I picked the most beautiful tea boutique on the world wide web. You have got to see Karen's Sweet Necessi-Tea's boutique. If you are a tea lover, this is your bag, lol.

Every day on my screen I see tea, and cozies
That is how I know tea goes on.

Teapots from all countries,
And colors and sizes,
That is how I know tea goes on.

Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe a small boutique will have your tea,
Once more just open the door,
And it’s there on your screen,
And the tea just goes on and on.

Pink Friday comes once weekly,
On your screen and my screen
Welcome to a Fine English Tea

Sweet Necessi-Tea's offers cozies
And tea cups and saucers
Karen knows that tea must go on

Near, far, wherever you are,
Her boutique is just a click away
So once more just open the door,
And it’s there on your screen,
And the tea just goes on and on.

She’s here, tea lovers have no fear,
I know Sweet Necessi-Tea's will go on,
She’ll stay , so choose tea today
And I know she’ll go on and on.

Please have a beautiful Pink Friday - English Tea

P.S. I am setting sail soon on a new luxury ship. It is the best thing going here in 1912. It is called the Titanic, and I have heard it is unsinkable, from an American friend named Molly Brown. Would you like to tag along? Regards, Theresa


Inka Smith said...

You just amaze me with your kindness to others. Yes Karen's boutique is wonderful. I just love her tea cozys. I might have to have one soon! Thank you for sharing with us.

Donna Lynn said...

Hi there dear friend!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you missed me! I had such a great time in TN, I could of stayed another two weeks and probably not gotten all the shopping done!!!

How is your week going? Hopefully you are having a lovely one! I am working in the yard, and painting the barn! Lots of work there for sure! I have been outside non-stop since coming home, I love it!
Take care and I will visit you soon...

Jan~Feather Your Nest Antiques said...

Loved your song and had no trouble putting a tune to it. Your trip sounds fantastic and will look forward to seeing your adventures on your blog when you return. Have a safe trip, but you should have no trouble staying safe on an unsinkable ship! Say hi to Molly for me, I knew her before she was rich!

Anonymous said...

Theresa, You are so thoughtful and sweet to showcase Karen.

Patricia said...

Theresa, that is just so sweet. What a good friend you are.


Brown Bee Studio said...

Psssst....hey prettychinalady....when you have a moment, you have a treat over at my place! =0]

Anonymous said...

Perfect name I love Victorian!

Susie said...

Theresa, you have such a wonderful way with your postings and website and blogs. How fortunate we are to have you with us at MMP! Your tribute to Karen was tea-rific!
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose

JDayMinis said...


What a gorgeous tea cozy. My grandparents were going to travel on the Titanic too but decided to travel later, you might prefer a later date too!! It would give you more time to buy all those beautiful clothes you want to take.

Take care, Cheers, Jean